M&P in the USA!


The scope of services of M&P

  • By transferring the help desk and order management processes into the existing SAP system, BMW achieves greater transparency in controlling
  • Those responsible on-site can now – depending on the priorities – manage the correction of faults in a more targeted manner
  • The setting up of maintenance and repair planning (strategic order control) allows the client to manage and monitor the inspection and maintenance intensity on the basis of the plant priority and the proneness to faults of the individual systems

FM analysis at BMW in the USA

One of the world’s largest BMW production plants is located in the deep south of the USA, in Spartanburg, South Carolina. More than 9,000 employees produce around 1,400 vehicles in the X3, X4, X5 and X6 model series there every day. In July 2016, the German automotive manufacturer commissioned the M&P Group in Frankfurt am Main to carry out an independent analysis of the current maintenance situation at the site and to derive a line of action for all other Group-owned plants in North America from it.

The focus of the facility management analysis was on maintenance and repair, the fault reporting ticket and help desk system and the organisational structure. The basis of our work was a visit to the Spartanburg plant and a one-week inventory on-site. In the course of the subsequent evaluation in Germany, we generated significant added value for BMW in the USA.

The procedural and systemic changes also required an adaptation of the FM organisation. For the level of responsibility below the facility manager, employees were appointed to take over the responsibility in the plant for the relevant technical trades. As an additional benefit, the classification of the master data in the SAP system allowed a trade-by-trade composition of the plant structures, including the cost group structure according to DIN 276, to be implemented. This composition makes it possible for those responsible for the trades to have a transparent view of all technical equipment and to carry out detailed evaluation and budgeting. The results were compiled in German and English, summarised and presented to the Technical Board.