The scope of services of M&P
- Execution planning and BQ creation for the plumbing, heating, ventilation and cooling trades, as well as measurement, control and regulation technology
- Central heat generation via two 500 kW CHP modules and two 3,000 kW gas condensing boilers
- Use of approx. 3,100 individually temperature-controlled heating/cooling panels in the office area
- Ventilation of the office area (12 AHU devices, approx. 470,000 m3/h total air flow rate) and ground floor (13 AHU units, approx. 167,000 m3/h total air flow rate)
- Building cooling by six 1,000 kW compact chillers
Daimler Real Estate GmbH is investing in the future of Stuttgart with an office space in the Vaihingen district. The result is a district with high quality in terms of work and communication – part of the ‘SynergiePark Stuttgart’. The office complex with flexible building structures is open to the public – a location for everyone.
M&P Stuttgart is supporting the general contractor Ed. Züblin AG in the turnkey construction for Daimler AG of four office buildings including underground car park. Around 4,500 jobs that meet the demands of networked and mobile working will be created.
The complex comprises four buildings with office space on the first to fifth floor, areas for special use on the ground floor and communication and meeting zones, as well as parking and technical areas, on the first to third basement levels. Approx. 94,000 m² gross floor area above ground and approx. 72,000 m² gross floor area underground is being put in place.
Around 2,600 parking spaces are planned for the basement level of the office complex and in a multi-storey car park. The MEP investment totals around €40 million.
Optimised planning through interdisciplinary teamwork
M&P Stuttgart was commissioned with the execution planning and BQ creation for the plumbing, heating, ventilation and cooling trades, as well as measurement, control and regulation technology, by the general contractor Ed. Züblin AG. In this context, the Revit tool ensures planning without clashes across disciplines.
In the plumbing trade, M&P was responsible for planning of the WC groups, the roof drainage with 21 rainwater pump groups and the development in the outdoor area, all the way through to connection to the public sewer network, including the storage space channels to maintain the peak water volume. Central facilities were planned for user development, such as fresh water stations and grease separators.
For the special uses on the ground floor and the underground car parks, M&P designed a sprinkler centre with two sprinkler tanks, two pump groups and diaphragm pressure tanks, as well as sprinkler subsystems in the buildings with wet and dry alarm valve stations adapted to the relevant use. The new sprinkler distribution system includes 34 alarm valve sets.
The central heat generation for the building complex is to be carried out by two CHP modules each with 500 kW thermal output and two gas condensing boilers with an output of 3,000 kW each. Consumers of the ventilation technology, the heating/cooling panels in the office areas and the static heating surfaces are connected to the heat supply.

In the office areas, M&P is planning around 3,100 heating/cooling panels equipped with six-way valves. Each panel is to be individually heatable and coolable. An autonomous drilling robot drilled the holes to attach the cooling panels and pipe traverses – a pilot project by M&P and Hilti. This required detailed planning of the exact drilling points in the 3D building model.
The building concept with open-plan offices and, for the most part, non-opening facades required ventilation systems for all areas. 12 AHU devices on the roofs, with a total air flow rate of approx. 470,000 m3/h, ventilate the office areas. 13 AHU devices are planned for the technical centres on the basement levels. With a total air flow rate of approx. 167,000 m3/h, they supply the canteens, kitchens and logistics areas on the ground floor.
Six compact chillers, each with an output of 1,000 kW, will cool the building. These are connected to the ventilation systems, the heating/cooling panels and the recirculating air cooling units for special uses.
Control, regulation and monitoring of all building services systems are ensured by a complex automation system. It consists of overarching management, automation and field levels. At the automation level, the systems are divided into information focal points. A total of 115 information focal points with approx. 4,500 hardware data points and around 61,500 communicative data points are planned.